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DebugBar > Langages for DebugBar 5.0

Those language files apply to DebugBar version 5.0 and more.
The language files for the Debugbar can be found on the subfolder "Languages" in
the DebugBar installation file, by default "C:\Program
Files\Core Services\Debugbar".
Languages included in the version 5.3 :
- Afrikaans (Thanks to Morné Fourie)
- Arabic (Thanks to Rasme Alrasme)
- Czech (Thanks to Miloš Vysoký)
- Danish (Thanks to Steven Wood)
- Dutch (Thanks to Wicliff Wolda)
- English
- French
- German (Thanks to Martin Specht)
- Hebrew (Thanks to Kobi Meirson)
- Hungarian (Thanks to Fehér János & Tempfli Zsolt)
- Indonesian (Thanks to Billy HS)
- Italian (Thanks to Luigi La Marca)
- Japanese (Thanks to Hideto Iio & Kounosuke)
- Korean (Thanks to Kang Heewoon & Youngho Cho)
- Norwegian (Thanks to Johs Ensby)
- Persian (Farsi)
- Polish (Thanks to Jakub Walawski & Leszek Zyczkowski)
- Portuguese (Thanks to Candido Tominaga & Ricardo Baptista)
- Romanian (Thanks to Claudiu Ciobotariu)
- Russian (Thanks to Paul Colomiets)
- Slovak (Thanks to Dusan Tkac)
- Spanish (Thanks to Luciano D. Iannicelli & Abel Rodríguez Vera)
- Swedish (Thanks to Mathias Back)
- Traditional Chinese (Thanks to Hulen)
- Turkish (Thanks to Saban Ulutas)
- Ukrainian (Thanks to Paul Colomiets)
Here are additional/update langages that you can download and install yourself (right click and save as... to download the file) :
- Finnish (Thanks to Saku Mikkola)
- Lithuanian (Thanks to Morné Fourie)
- Chinese (Thanks to Nannan Boy & lphy lphy)
- Greek (Thanks to Nicholas Rerras)
To create a new translation, get one the existing file (your preferred langage), rename it by using one of the following names and translate the strings :
- ARABIC.lang
- BASQUE.lang
- CATALAN.lang
- FARSI.lang
- LATVIAN.lang
- SERBIAN.lang
- THAI.lang
- TURKISH.lang
* When it is done, send us the file at [email protected] to receive your free professional single licence.