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Strikethrough Shortcuts for Word and Other Software

By Steven, on December 8, 2024, updated on December 16, 2024 - 3 min read

The simplest way to cross out text on Windows is “Alt + Shift + 5” or “Cmd + Shift + X” on Mac. But these shortcuts don’t always work… Luckily, there are plenty of others.

You spend hours on Word or other word processors like TextEdit or email editors? You often need to cross out or strike through text? Debugbar gives you all the keyboard shortcuts you need to know to cross out text and save precious time.

Universal Shortcut (+ Gmail & Google Docs)Alt + Shift + 5Cmd + Shift + X
Microsoft WordCtrl + DCmd + Shift + X
Microsoft ExcelCtrl + 5Ctrl + 5
PowerpointCtrl + TCmd + Ctrl + –

Keyboard Shortcuts to Strikethrough Text on Windows

Crossing out text when using Windows is quite simple, just do: Alt + Shift +5. But if this main shortcut works (almost) every time, there are also secondary shortcuts for Word, Excel and Gmail and Google Docs.

On Windows, the magic combo is: Alt + Shift + 5

The simplest and fastest shortcut to strikethrough text in Word is the Alt + Shift + 5 combination.

Once you have selected your text, you just need to press these 3 keys simultaneously and voila, a line crosses out your selection.

With this shortcut, you can strikethrough a single word, a sentence or even a paragraph on a page.

It’s fast, effective, and works on all versions of Word, from 2003 to 2021.

On Microsoft Word, the most well-known keyboard shortcut is: Ctrl + D

If the previous shortcut doesn’t work on your version of Word or your system, you can try this one: Ctrl + D.

It’s a little less direct because it first opens a font attribute dialog box. But once the dialog box is displayed, you just have to select “strikethrough” to activate/deactivate strikeout mode.

The advantage of this method is that it also works on many other word processors like TextEdit on Mac for example. It’s a more “universal” shortcut to know.

On Excel, you can use: Ctrl + 5

If you want to strikethrough text in Excel cells, just use the Ctrl + 5 shortcut.

Pressing the 2 keys at the same time will strikethrough the selected text in the cell.

On Powerpoint, the shortcut is : Ctrl + T

You’ve made a nice slideshow and now want to add some style by crossing out 2-3 words on a page. Then the perfect shortcut is: Ctrl + T.

On Google Docs or Gmail, the magic formula is: Alt + Shift + 5

The Google universe can be a bit tricky to get the hang of sometimes, but when you know how to talk to it, everything becomes much simpler.

If you want to strikethrough text in your emails or a Google Doc, you’ll just have to press the keys simultaneously: Alt +Shift+ 5.

And voila, the job is done, your text is crossed out on your document or email!

You’re on a Mac? Don’t worry, the shortcuts are just as simple.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Strikethrough Text on Mac

Apple enthusiasts are used to it, with the apple brand, everything works a little differently, and that’s also true for keyboard shortcuts. But here it’s really simpler since you’ll only have 2 to remember.

On Mac the universal magic formula (which also works for Word, Google Docs and Gmail) is: Cmd + Shift + X

The most common way to strikethrough text in a document on MacOS is to use the shortcut: Cmd + Shift + X.

You’ll see, it’s very simple!

Strikethrough text in Excel cells with the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + 5

As with Windows, the shortcut to strikethrough text in Excel cells when you’re on MacOS is: Ctrl + 5. Pressing the 2 keys at the same time will strikethrough the selected text.

Simple, effective, in short, everything we like!

Strikethrough on a PowerPoint: Cmd + Ctrl + T

Let’s finish our tour of shortcuts for crossing out text with the one dedicated to powerpoint on an apple computer: Cmd + Ctrl + T. 

That’s it! Now you master the art of crossing out text with all possible methods, on all existing software, you’ll be able to considerably streamline and accelerate your writing and proofreading. No more time wasted looking for the option in menus!
