Productivity Tools

Jarvis AI (now Jasper AI): The artificial intelligence that generates your content

By Pierre, on November 3, 2022, updated on January 10, 2023 - 7 min read

Jarvis AI ( is an artificial intelligence capable of creating optimized content almost automatically.

You don’t have time to write content for your blog? Want to generate SEO optimized texts without getting tired? Then Jarvis AI is the right tool for you!

  • Jarvis AI (now Jasper) is an artificial intelligence that generates content.
  • This copywriting tool allows you to write articles up to 5 times faster.
  • The solution proposed by the Jarvis development team is for all content creators (text, video, e-commerce, etc…).
  • Jarvis offers over 50 different content templates.
  • Subscription costs between $29 and $3,600 per month.

10,000 free words to test now!

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Jarvis AI: What is it exactly?

Jarvis AI (formerly and now Jasper AI) is a software that produces SEO optimized content in minutes. So far, there’s nothing extremely impressive about it. If you’re familiar with other such tools, you may even be wary.

Yes, artificial intelligences capable of generating content are becoming more and more developed. However, we must admit that they are rarely conclusive.

Well, is different from all other copywriting tools. That’s why it has managed to gain a growing reputation in the marketing world. It owes its popularity to its very human-like artificial intelligence and its extraordinary writing capabilities.

Let’s take a closer look at everything this writing assistant has to offer. And first, let’s start by looking at what it’s good for.

What is Jarvis AI for?

Can’t think of any content ideas? Are you lacking inspiration? Between researching information, developing an outline, formulating ideas, and optimizing, writing content takes time. Well, not with Jarvis. This little robot will make you proud as it is able to :

  • Write blog posts,
  • Find titles,
  • Create video scripts,
  • Create SEO content that runs,
  • Write posts for social networks,
  • Write product descriptions,
  • Finding product or company names,
  • And much more…

Basically, Jarvis AI is used to come up with content ideas and to write. So the field of possibilities is vast.

Who should use conversion.AI ?

Jarvis’ exceptional capabilities make it the ideal software for all content creators. It is therefore very useful for :

  • Marketing creators,
  • Web writers,
  • A company that wants to feed its websites,
  • Online sellers,
  • Web agencies,
  • Bloggers,
  • Writers in need of inspiration,
  • Influencers for their social networks.

In short, it’s for anyone who needs to generate regular content in quantity.

Jasper AI : How does it work ?

Using Jarvis AI is quite simple. However, it is better to take the time to watch the tutorials posted by the team. To use the wizard you just have to :

  • Choose a document template.
  • Fill in the data you want to process.
  • Launch the content creation.

Step 1: Choose a Template

This is the first step in creating your copy. You can choose from about fifty different document templates. You just have to choose the template that suits you.

jarvis templates

Step 2: Fill in the data

Once you have selected the template, you will access the data sheet. In concrete terms, it is a briefing that you must fill in so that Jarvis can write according to your wishes. The form asks you for information such as

  • The name of your company or your blog,
  • The title of the copy,
  • Product description,
  • The tone to use for the writing (friendly, professional, etc…),
  • The language of the article.
jarvis intro template

Step 3: Automatically create content

After writing the brief, all you have to do is start writing. To do this, simply click on the “compose” button and our friend will do the rest. Depending on the template, the artificial intelligence will suggest several texts. You can choose the one that suits you best.

jarvis intro template 2

Our 20 favorite templates from Jarvis AI

With over 50 templates available, Jarvis AI offers a world of possibilities. To convince you that this tool is really good, we made a summary of our 20 favorite templates. Of course, nothing beats testing it for yourself to get an opinion on its full capabilities.

FeatureWhat is it for?
RecipesThis is one of the best features of Jasper. It’s a writing guide that contains commands for the AI to execute. Basically, you write it a roadmap and it does the rest.
The only drawback is that it is only available in Boss mode…
Long form assistantAllows you to write articles from scratch :
ConclusionAIDA & PAS FrameworkAllows you to develop a marketing plan based on the AIDA model:
There is also the PAS model: Problem
Content ImproverAllows you to rewrite or rephrase content so that it is :
More interesting
More engaging
More creative
Product descriptionAllows you to generate product descriptions for :
Your websites
Your emails
Your social networks
Blog post topic ideasHelps you find blog topic ideas:
That interest your readers
That rank on Google
Explain to a childThis feature allows to popularize complex texts (science, technology, etc…)
Facebook & Google ads headlinesGenerate catchy headlines for your Facebook and Google ads
Facebook AD et Google ads primary TextAllows the creation of catchy texts for your Facebook and Google ads
Ridiculous marketing ideasThis feature is a joke from the Jasper team. It allows you to come up with crazy marketing ideas that have no chance of succeeding
Photo post captions (Instagram)Write for you the captions of your instagram posts
Video topic ideasFind video ideas that will appeal to your audience on Youtube
Video title, introduction & descriptionAllows you to find the title and structure of your Youtube videos.
Review responderRespond to online reviews left by your customers in a :
SEO optimized titles and meta descriptions for blog postsAllows you to write a Title and Meta Description optimized for SEO. The Title & Meta Description feature is available for :
Blog posts
Home pages
Products pages
Services pages
Personal or comapny BioThis feature allows you to automatically write a personalized bio for :
Your profile
Your company profile
Real estate listingVery useful for real estate agents, this feature automatically writes ads.
Content SummarizerAllows you to summarize the main points of a text
Personalized cold emailsWrites quality emails that get responses
Poll questions & Multiple Choice AnswersAllows you to solicit your community by creating surveys and MCQs

As you can see, the many features of can allow you to generate a lot of different content.

With so many features, it’s not surprising that Jarvis has managed to seduce so many people. But features alone are not enough to make a tool famous. It must also offer relevant advantages. And this is the case with Jarvis!

The 5 main advantages of Jarvis AI

Jasper AI offers many advantages, but the ones that caught our attention include

  • Considerable time savings.
  • Easy to use.
  • Almost perfect grammar and spelling.
  • Mastery of several languages.
  • Ability to adapt to the reader.

Time saving

The first big advantage of Jarvis is that it allows you to save a phenomenal amount of time. Indeed you can save up to 5 times more time on the creation of your content because :

  • It finds ideas.
  • It searches for information for you.
  • It writes for you.
  • It optimizes the text.

Artificial intelligence allows you to produce a large quantity of optimized texts in a very short time. This saves time and money.

Easy to use

Once you have seen the first tutorials, Jasper is quite easy to use. It is true that the intuitive interface is a big part of it. Both simple and aesthetic, it allows an easy use of the software.

Relevant and optimized for search engines

This is one of the major advantages of Jarvis AI. If you’ve ever tested automatic content generators you’ve probably seen some awful things. Sentences that don’t make sense, questionable spelling, etc…

Although Jarvis sometimes has little failures, you have to praise the impressive quality of his texts. If you guide him correctly in writing, this little wonder is indeed able to produce human-looking texts. This really sets it apart from its competitors.

On top of being relevant, Jarvis writes search engine optimized texts. Your titles, meta descriptions, introductory paragraphs and more can be generated automatically.

Please note: The SEO mode is only accessible with the Boss Mode.

Writing in multiple languages + translation

Another nice aspect of Jarvis is that it is multilingual. In concrete terms, this means that he is able to write in more than 20 different languages but also to translate them.

Adapts to the reader

Finally, one of the best things about Jarvis is that he adapts to his audience. This means that you can create quality texts that are perfectly suited to your readers:

  • Pro
  • Serious
  • Friendly
  • Funny

The 3 disadvantages of the tool

So obviously, to give you a complete opinion on the software it is necessary to address the drawbacks.

  • An interface exclusively in English
  • Sometimes out of touch
  • A high price

An English-only interface

If Jarvis masters several writing languages, the interface is only in English. This can be a difficult problem to overcome when English is not your preferred language.

Sometimes out of touch

Like any robot, Jarvis can sometimes bug. Therefore, you may sometimes have to deal with irrelevant texts. When he is lost, Jarvis may also repeat the same information several times. So you have to see him as an assistant and guide him regularly when you see that he loses the thread.

A high price

The price of may seem high for some customers. Basically, this is a disadvantage if you produce little text. However, for large content creators, the price of the software quickly pays for itself.

In addition, Jarvis only costs an average of $10 per 5,000 words. This means that it costs less than hiring a web writer.

However, we regret that the most interesting skills of the tool are only available with the Boss Mode.

What is the price of the Jarvis AI solution?

The Jarvis team has set up three packages:

  • The trial offer
  • Starter Plan at $29 / month
  • Boss Mode from $59 / month
jarvis pricing

The trial offer

Do you want to see for yourself how good the software is? The Jarvis team has set up a free trial offer. This offer gives you the right to write 10,000 words and all the features of the software for 7 days.

10.000 words offered to test now!

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The starter plan

This subscription is limited since it doesn’t give access to all Jarvis features. This plan is perfect for freelancers (web writers, SEO consultants, etc…) and influencers. This offer includes :

  • 20,000 words/month.
  • More than 50 features.
  • Unlimited number of projects.
  • An unlimited number of users.

The Boss Mode

The Boss Mode package is the ultimate, it gives you access to all the features of the software. Its initial price is $59/month. If you have large amounts of text to write, the price can go up to $3,600/month. This price range is suitable for any size of business. Boss Mode contains:

  • All the options of the classic subscription.
  • 50,000 words/month or more.
  • Blog post creator.
  • Long paragraph writing.
  • Jarvis recipes.

As you can see, Jarvis AI is the software that may well revolutionize the way you generate content.

  • You will take up to 5 times less time to produce content for your sites.
  • You can easily create articles optimized for search engine optimization.
  • You can choose from over 50 different document templates.
  • You can afford an efficient assistant from $29/month.
Easy to use
Time saving
Quality articles optimized for natural referencing
Master more than 20 different languages
Adaptation to the audience of your blog or websites
English interface
Need to be guided

Human or AI content?

With the emergence of all the AI generated content, with tool like Jasper, ChatGPT, GPT-3 and all the tools based on the same algorithms, it could be important to be able to check the content.

Even if AI can generate high quality content, a human has to read it and to correct it before publication.

Several tools have developed this last weeks to solve this problem.

Try to check plagiarism and AI detection
