Digital Marketing

How to generate real estate lead

By Steven, on December 2, 2020, updated on November 29, 2022 - 5 min read

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business. This is especially important if you’re in the business of real estate.

Unless you’re able to continuously find new leads (and convert those leads into paying customers) then your business will simply fail. You can be the best real estate agent, without prospects, you can’t sale.

The exact opposite is also true. Once you master the art of generating leads it’s possible to get as much business as you could ever want. So how works leads generation? To get you started here are several ways to bring in new customers for your real estate business.

Throw a housewarming party

This is marketing technique that very few real estate agents ever think about. Basically, whenever you sell a house, offer to cater a housewarming party for your client. This way you can meet people who are similar to your client.

There’s a good chance these people may be impressed by the property – and in this case you could interest them in doing business with you.

Even if they’re not in the market, this is still a great way to meet new people and network. There are also dozens of other ways to network. You can join groups and associations, or even your local hiking club.

Create a website focused on real estate

In this day and age websites are an absolute necessity for all businesses. You can even think of your website as a type of digital business card.

A website has dozens of uses. It allows you to build your personal brand, showcase what you have on offer, and share reviews from satisfied clients. Your website is also a great place to start a blog and answer any questions which potential clients may have about real estate.

You can even create how to videos and guides. One of the easiest ways to generate leads with your website is by capturing email addresses. This way you can start a newsletter or engage in follow up marketing with visitors. Don’t forget: the path of a lead in real estate can be very long.

Hold an open house day

open house, sign, aboard
Photo by savannasherstad on Pixabay

We, humans, are social per nature This is a tried and tested method for selling properties in real estate. If you have unsold houses then simply hold an open house day. You’ll want to do this on a Sunday (otherwise potential buyers may be at work). Try to hold an open house day at least once a week. Place signs around the neighbourhood informing people about the house.

You may also want to distribute flyers in the area. You can also use an email list with emails of real people who give you their agreement to contact them for opportunities like this one.

When done right this method really works. Make sure to take the contact details of anyone who visits. This way you can continue marketing to them later.

Hold real estate educational events

Real estate is a complex world. Buying property is a long and complex process. This is especially true if you’re a first time buyer. Educational events are a great way to help these people. Organize an event where you educate people on how to buy a home, what to look for, and what’s happening in the market. These events also help to build your personal brand.

What’s more, if you do a good job, then it’s only natural for attendees to do business with you. Public speaking is also a great generation leads way and should be done whenever possible.

Tips: you can do a free event on a platform like LinkedIn on a main real estate topic that will interest a large audience.

Advertise your business

Advertising is how vast majority of real estate leads are generated. There are literally hundredsof ways to advertise your business. If you’re on a budget then the best way to advertise is online. Most people use the internet for everything these days, which makes online advertising particularly effective. Experiment with running ads on Google Search, Google Display, Youtube, Facebook or even Instagram.

Social media like Facebook and instagram are a great a great way to increase the reputation of your business on your local area.

A Facebook Ads campaign can be really easy to launch with a small budget.

A Google Search Ads campaign will be more specific to show the perfect ad to the right person at the right moment at the right place to send them to the right landing page which have the right content awaiting by your visitor. It’s not a set up and forget it. You will have to follow up and to optimize the campaign to get a real marketing advantage.

Social media and search campaigns will help you to create emails list you can reuse in the future.

Also try out online classifieds, properties listings, and review websites. Writing blog posts is also a great way to advertise your business. And if you have a bigger budget then you can even explore techniques like billboards or newspaper, radio and television ads. A lead is real people, with specific hope, questions and bias.

Always adapt the content of your message to the media you use and don’t forget to say what your prospects are looking for in their path for a real estate acquisition. The most traffic is not what you are looking for. You want the best traffic, the most qualified to send on your landing pages.

Use coming soon and sold signs

Get off the internet! Real estate is a concrete business. That’s a marketing chance and a lead generation tip your competitors maybe don’t use.

Place coming soon or sold signs outside of homes that are about to go on the
market, or which you have sold. Your contact details should be prominently placed on these signs. Interested parties will reach out to you.

From there you can set an appointment or take their contact details to follow up later. Sold signs are social proof you are great to close sales.

Send referral notes

Referrals are some of the best real estate leads you can generate. Whenever you sell a property make sure to send a handwritten thank you note. Take care to the content of the message.

Thank them for choosing to do business with you, include important information (like moving companies or decorators) and share your appreciation. You can also attach a gift card which works well with letters.

Finally, ask for a referral. Do they know anyone else who is interested in real estate? Can they put you in touch with that person?

Approach FSBOs

Talking to FBSOs (for sale by owner) is a great way to get leads for free in real estate. Usually there’s a reason why the home owner is trying to sell the house themselves. It’s most likely because they’ve been ripped off or let down by other real estate agents. This means you should approach them as a friend.

Open up a dialogue, build a connection and get to know them. Then ask why they have chosen to go it alone. Chances are you can help them and get some business at the same time.

Partner with other business

Network with local business owners and ask them to refer leads to you.

There are several types of businesses which can help you with this. These include lawyers (it might sound unethical but divorce lawyers are a great source of leads), insurance agents and commercial money lenders. Landscapers and cleaners may also provide you with leads. Think about all the businesses which are bound to the real estate.

Buy email leads listings

email, mailing, internet
Photo by 200degrees on Pixabay

All real estate businesses have one day bought a list of prospects. But often, these prospects have been already called by one of your competitors or maybe have already bought a house. In 2020, there are many more smart things to do than that.

Follow up on old leads

That’s a point which is right for any business, but especially for real estate. You already have this leads, it’s free to contact them again. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked then follow up on old leads. It’s always a good idea to follow up with cold leads 3-6 months after your last contact.

Remember, the circumstances of people’s lives are always changing. Maybe they weren’t ready to buy before, but now is the right time Or maybe they’re using another real estate agent, and things aren’t working out as expected.

Clients are everywhere. They are just waiting for you to contact them.

To finish, don’t forget that the leads don’t make the sales. Your marketing actions allow to find a list of the best leads, but closing the sales relies to the real estate agents. They transform leads into buyers.
