Digital Marketing

Google Trends: how to use data to improve your marketing strategy

By Steven, on March 11, 2023, updated on July 11, 2023 - 3 min read

Google Trends allows companies to monitor search trends, analyze the performance of their competitors and develop targeted and relevant marketing campaigns.

Used wisely, the tool can therefore provide valuable information and help small and medium-sized businesses stand out in the market.

Do you want to improve your company’s marketing strategy? Do you want to stand out from the competition? Then you won’t be able to do without Google Trends once you have discovered it!

Debugbar takes a look at this great tool for you.

Google Trends is a free application developed by Google. It allows companies, influencers and other Internet users to monitor in real time the search activity on the Web in order to access some insights as:

  • Most popular keywords
  • Top queries
  • Searches trends over time
  • And the geographic regions where searches are most popular
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It offers the ability to perform in-depth analysis of the most popular topics in your industry, allowing you to identify relevant keywords for your target audience and understand consumer behavior online.

The tool collects data from Google Search, YouTube, Shopping and other related Google services to provide a convenient overview of search term trends.

Data is also available for different countries, regions, cities or specific neighborhoods, making it easy to customize results to your target audience.

Interested in all this? Want to know how? Then let’s take a closer look.

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Google Trends is very easy to use. Just follow these few steps.

  1. Go to the Google Trends homepage.
  2. Enter a keyword or phrase in the search bar. You can also select specific categories to refine the search results.
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  1. Use the filters to refine the search results. You can filter results by date, region, categories, etc.
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  1. Use the graphs to view search trends over time. You can also compare multiple keywords to see trends against each other.
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  1. Use search data to inform and optimize your content, or use search trends to plan your advertising campaigns.

You see, nothing complicated! So, now that you know how to use Google Trends, let’s see how best to use it to boost your content.

The capabilities of Google Trends are real assets to improve your content strategy because it allows you to:

  • Research keywords and topics.
  • Monitor the performance of your competitors.
  • Identify the latest trends.

1. Search for keywords and topics

Google Trends can be used to find a relevant keyword and determine the topics that interest your target audience.

By searching for a specific keyword on the tool, you can see if that word or term has seen an increase or decrease in search volume over time.

For example: if you are a B2B company that sells remote computer hardware, you can search for “laptop” on the tool and get a full list of laptop-related terms such as “cheap laptop” or “powerful laptop”.

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This will help you find the right keywords to use in your SEO and SEM campaigns to drive more qualified traffic to your product pages.

Also read : SpyFu: improve your marketing strategy and get ahead of your competitors in no time!

2. Monitor competitors’ performance

The tool can also be used to monitor your competitors’ performances.

When you perform a search on a specific term or brand, the tool displays the total number of searches performed concerning that term over time.

You can then compare this result to other competing brands to see how they are performing in terms of popularity.

For example: if you sell computer hardware online and want to know the relative popularity of your brand versus a direct competitor such as HP or Dell, you can run a comparative search on Google Trends to get a clear picture of how each brand is perceived by the public.

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Finally, Google Trends can be used to identify seasonal trends in consumer behavior. You can see how a particular product or service behaves over a period such as:

  • Black Friday,
  • Christmas,
  • Halloween,
  • etc.

With this information, you can adapt your strategies accordingly to maximize your visibility and ROI.

With its various functionalities, Google Trends is an extremely powerful tool that can be exploited by any company that wants to improve its SEO or optimize its SEM campaigns.

By analyzing the data provided by the tool, it is possible to:

  • Identify what’s trending in a specific geographic area,
  • accurately identify consumer behavior online,
  • find relevant keywords,
  • see the traffic volume of a specific keyword,
  • monitor competitive performance and identify current trends in your industry.

So don’t wait any longer and try Google Trends to get the most out of it for your website!
