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Companies: Get your own Internet Explorer bar ! |
You are constantly present on the user's desktop
even if he's not surfing on your web site. The toolbar can
even be integrated in the Windows taskbar !
Contact our Professional customer service
Increase your communication and visibility :
You are constantly present on the user's desktop
even if he's not surfing on your web site. The toolbar can
even be integrated in the Windows taskbar !
Increase your visibility on your users
Provide a new advertisement channel to your customers.
Inform easier and faster your users and customers about
your new products and services
Provide new services: :
Internet Explorer toolbars allow you to provide new services
and increase eas to use of existing services, for your customers
and users
Faster and simplier access to your web
site and services : Emails, forums, chats, search
New alerts system (chat, emails, quotes)
New services always on your users' desktop : News,
weather forecasts, calendar, etc