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Companies: Get your own Internet Explorer bar !

You are constantly present on the user's desktop even if he's not surfing on your web site. The toolbar can even be integrated in the Windows taskbar !

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Increase your communication and visibility : You are constantly present on the user's desktop even if he's not surfing on your web site. The toolbar can even be integrated in the Windows taskbar !
  • Increase your visibility on your users
  • Provide a new advertisement channel to your customers.
  • Inform easier and faster your users and customers about your new products and services

Provide new services: : Internet Explorer toolbars allow you to provide new services and increase eas to use of existing services, for your customers and users

  • Faster and simplier access to your web site and services : Emails, forums, chats, search
  • New alerts system (chat, emails, quotes)
  • New services always on your users' desktop : News, weather forecasts, calendar, etc

Partners : Core Services | Debugbar Wiki